The Future of Quidditch: Player Equipment

Quidditch is not yet played enough to have equipment catered to it.  Quidditch players must use gear from a variety of other sports to help their quidditch play.  This article will explores which features will be adopted by quidditch specific equipment.  


Soft pads are allowed under the USQ rulebook but currently, players rarely wear them.  Light pads covering a player’s chest, ribs and/or shoulders would spread out impacts without impeding throwing. 


The Future of Quidditch: Management and Coaching

For the month of November I will be focusing on the future of quidditch.  Quidditch has strong core aspects that, if promoted, can draw new players and fans, ensuring the sport’s future. 

Currently most quidditch teams are player-coached and have a small management team.  Player-coaches split time between focusing on both their own and their team’s development.  Team management raises money from small scale fundraising and player dues to fund event and travel expenses. 

As the sport grows, the expectations for teams will grow with it.  To stay competitive on the field, teams will transition to dedicated coaching staffs to develop players and strategies.  Team management will manage sponsorships and recruit players. 
