The back of a offensive formation is between the hoops and the far boundary of the pitch.
bludger control
A team possesses bludger control when both beaters have possession of a bludger.
bounce pass
A bounce pass is a pass where the passer attempts to bounce the quaffle on the ground before the receiver catches it. Bounce passes keep the quaffle lower making it harder for the defending team to intercept.
The chaser or keeper that carries the quaffle to start an offensive play.
A dunk is when a quaffle player pushes the quaffle through a hoop without releasing it, scoring a goal.
Flat refers to the orientation of players such that they are parallel to the mid-field line.
gang tackle
A gang tackle occurs when more than one defender attempts to tackle a quaffle carrier together.
A handoff occurs when a quaffle player hands the quaffle to another quaffle player. A handoff differs from a pass because the ball is never freely moving through the air.
A lob is an arcing pass that hangs in the air.
Man-to-man is a player coverage type where a defensive player is responsible with covering a specific offensive player.